Class Plan Week 7

7pmTrauma and Resilience
 This evening we will begin with a conversation about trauma while beginning to integrate many aspects of the course. Most people have some something to say about trauma, whether it’s one’s own personal trauma or someone you know. There is also inter-generational and historical trauma. In general we are well adapted to survive, cope with and overcome trauma. However, some people are more resilient than others. My hope is that through conversation, this evening we can begin to open up this topic.
7.25Breakout Rooms – Please note that if you choose you can opt out of joining the breakout rooms and stay in the main room.
In the breakout rooms each person will have a few minutes to speak on the topic.
7.45Feedback – After the breakout room we will have some time to share a little of what was discussed.
7.55Short Break – Ten minutes to stretch your legs and maybe get a cup of tea.
8.05Practice – Journalling, spend ten minutes writing from the heart. It can be fiction, memoir or your thoughts in the moment or a question that arises in your mind.
8.25Breakout Rooms – Discussion
8.45Open Session for those who would like to share what they’ve written.